About Me and My Project
My name is Candice and I am a senior in high school. I play softball and am currently on the hunt to choose a college to attend next year. I do the same old normal things that teenagers do. I got my drivers licence a year ago and I've made a noticeable observation during this time. The observation I've made is that people are on their phones while they are driving. Whether it is a teenager or an adult, it is extremely dangerous and against the law. My goal for this project is to STOP people from making this bad decision before it is too late.
Why am I pursuing this project? |
Texting and driving has become an issue all around the world, and I am putting my heart and soul into educating people about the issue here in my community. I decided to do this project for my Girl Scout Gold Award because it is something I am passionate about, and something that I know I can make a difference in.